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February 06, 2008

Green Transportation Infrastructure Research and Technology Transfer Act


Reported (as amended) by the Full Committee February 27, 2008

Cleared the Technology and Innovation Subcommittee by voice vote on February 7, 2008

Introduced in the House on January 29, 2008

Section 1: Short Title

“Green Transportation Infrastructure Research and Technology Transfer Act.”

Section 2: Findings

Finds that innovative transportation infrastructure can be used to mitigate water pollution, and that technical and social barriers to implementing these technologies can be overcome with research and technology transfer assistance from the US Department of Transportation.

Section 3: Regional Green Transportation Research Centers

Amends the existing authorization for university transportation centers to create centers focusing on green transportation infrastructure in regions around the U.S. The objectives of these centers include developing innovative transportation infrastructure technologies that mitigate environmental damage from runoff, and encouraging governments to adopt these technologies and integrate them into existing infrastructure through technology transfer programs.

Activities will include: 1) research and development of green infrastructure technologies, techniques and best management practices; 2) establishment of a technology transfer program; 3) assessment of the impact of regulations on the adoption of green transportation infrastructure locally; and 4) public education efforts for local decision makers.

Grant recipients will be selected on a competitive basis, with preference given to those applicants demonstrating expertise in transportation and green infrastructure research, existing partnerships with state and local governments, and technology transfer programs. 

Defines green transportation infrastructure as infrastructure that preserves and restores natural processes and landforms, uses natural design techniques to manage stormwater; and minimizes lifecycle energy consumption and air pollution.

Authorizes such sums as may be necessary to carry out this section.

Section 4: Green transportation infrastructure amendments

Amends authorization of the Federal Highway Administration’s National Highway Institute (NHI) to include green transportation infrastructure as a course topic. Instructs NHI to collaborate with other federal agencies with expertise in this field when designing curriculum.