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May 23, 2019

H.R. 2986, the Better Energy Storage Technologies (BEST) Act


H.R. 2986, the BEST Act


American Wind Energy Association (AWEA)

BPC Action

National Audubon Society

Center for Climate and Energy Solutions

Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions (CRES)


Duke Energy

Edison Electric Institute (EEI)

Energy Storage Association (ESA)

“ESA commends the House Science, Space, & Technology Committee for considering an amended version of the Better Energy Storage Technology Act (H.R. 2986),” said Kelly Speakes-Backman,CEO of the U.S. Energy Storage Association. “To meet 21st century demands, we must elevate public investments in diverse energy storage technology development and demonstration options, to ensure resilient, efficient, sustainable, and affordable electric service. The legislation before the committee today would accelerate innovation and ensure that grid planning and operations fully utilize the flexibility of energy storage. ESA looks forward to working with a bipartisan set of supporters to align the House efforts with positive attributes of the Senate version, to pass optimal energy legislation in this Congress.” 

Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF)

National Hydropower Association (NHA)

National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA)

United States Chamber of Commerce