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January 03, 2019

H.R. 36, the Combating Sexual Harassment in Science Act of 2019


Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX)


H.R. 36, the Combating Sexual Harassment in Science Act of 2019


American Association of Physics Teachers

American Astronomical Society

American Chemical Society

American Educational Research Association

“Sexual harassment in the academic workplace has been far too prevalent for far too long and must be eliminated. With this legislation, Congress has an opportunity to make a real difference through concrete, action-oriented steps directed to the pernicious problems so well identified in the recent National Academies consensus report. It is critical to the nation’s scientific enterprise that we have an evidence-based understanding of the causes and consequences of sexual harassment, are gathering national data on sexual harassment, promoting responsible workplace behavior, and coordinating federal science agency efforts in these areas. We applaud the introduction of this bill and urge its swift passage into law.”

Felice J. Levine, Executive Director, American Educational Research Association

American Geophysical Union

American Institute of Physics

American Mathematical Society

“Sexual harassment comes in many forms, is insidious, and indeed destructive of many individual careers. In all its activities, the American Mathematical Society strives to foster a welcoming environment that encourages the free expression and exchange of ideas. Sexual harassment is a form of misconduct that undermines the integrity of the mathematics community and harms the scientific enterprise broadly. We applaud Congresswoman Johnson for leading this effort to address a serious problem for our community.”

Dr. Karen Saxe, Associate Executive Director, American Mathematical Society

American Meteorological Society

American Nuclear Society

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine recently issued a report which brought to light the significant incidence of sexual harassment in the scientific workplace.  Clearly, this is an acute problem which needs to be addressed head-on. The American Nuclear Society understands the importance of this issue in today’s world and has its own respectful behavior policy that takes a zero-tolerance approach to all forms of sexual harassment. The Society applauds Congresswoman Johnson for seeking to address the issue through the introduction of the Combating Sexual Harassment in Science Act of 2019.

American Psychological Association

“Sexual harassment can lead to serious psychological and physical harm, according to major research findings. A recent report of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine further highlighted pervasive sexual harassment in the academic workplace, which demands attention. Continued failure to address this serious problem will result in women and individuals from vulnerable groups abandoning the field of science or choosing non-science careers, thereby depriving budding and accomplished scientists of their deserved opportunities and the nation of their important contributions.

"The Combating Sexual Harassment in Science Act of 2019 represents an opportunity to address this problem head on and move toward eliminating sexual misconduct in academia that harms scientists and limits scientific innovation. This bill is deserving of strong bipartisan support and sufficient stand-alone funding to implement its provisions without drawing from the accounts of other essential science programs.”

American Physical Society

American Physiological Society

American Political Science Association

American Society for Microbiology 

American Society of Human Genetics

Association for Computing Machinery

“ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, supports the enactment of the ‘Combating Sexual Harassment in Science Act of 2019,’” said ACM CEO Vicki L. Hanson. “Like many scientific organizations, ACM has strengthened its efforts to ensure that no one working in the computing field should experience any form of sexual harassment. ACM’s recently updated Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct identifies sexual harassment as incompatible with our profession and subject to remedial action. We have also revised and strengthened ACM’s Policy Against Harassment. We believe that these are necessary steps to ensure that everyone in our field is welcomed by their peers and that they are treated with respect and dignity they deserve. We believe that additional funding to understand the causes and consequences of harassment is essential to help combat sexual harassment.”

Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM)

"In 2018, the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) released a sweeping report on harassment in academia. It highlighted that in order to reduce harassment in STEM fields, institutions should strive for gender parity, reduce hierarchical funding, and facilitate reporting. As the leading national society for women in the mathematical sciences, the Association for Women in Mathematics is acutely aware of how these factors influence women’s educational and professional success in these fields. Congresswoman Johnson's bill is a crucial step in codifying the recommendations of the report and addressing these issues at a national level."

-- Dr. Ami Radunskya, President, Association for Women in Mathematics

Association for Women in Science

Biomedical Engineering Society

Computing Research Association

Consortium of Social Science Associations

Endocrine Society

Federation of American Societies in Experimental Biology

Federation of Associations in Behavioral & Brain Sciences

Society for Personality and Social Psychology

Society of Vertebrate Paleontology

The Optical Society

“Technological advancement thrives on a constant influx of new ideas from people with distinct perspectives and skills. To preserve the United States’ reputation for ingenuity, invention and innovation, our institutions of higher learning must foster environments where inclusivity is embraced and harassment and bullying is not tolerated. We cannot allow unacceptable conduct to continue driving women from science and engineering. The Optical Society appreciates Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson's recognition of this critical issue and supports her efforts to understand the contributing factors to and consequences of harassment on the scientific workforce. We further appreciate Ms. Johnson’s efforts to encourage victims to come forward and the establishment of visible and determined actions to address unacceptable conduct.”

Elizabeth A. Rogan, Chief Executive Officer, The Optical Society

Santa Barbara Women’s Political Committee

Society of Women Engineers

“The Society of Women Engineers is committed to the advancement of women in engineering, and that means supporting women in science and academia.  We are pleased that long-time ally, Representative Eddie Bernice Johnson, is once again standing up for fairness and decency in the scientific world with the introduction of the Combating Sexual Harassment in Science Act. A report from the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine confirmed what women in science have long known—not only is sexual harassment pervasive on the campuses of research institutions, it can be cruelly subtle for women scientists.  Better understanding the causes and consequences of sexual harassment and reducing its incidence and impact, as the bill proposes, will support the endeavors of current and future female scientists and create a richer research enterprise in the United States.”

Karen Horting, Executive Director & CEO of the Society of Women Engineers

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