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September 16, 2020

H.R. 8273, the Energizing Technology Transfer Act


H.R. 8273, the Energizing Technology Transfer Act


Activate Global, Inc.

American Chemical Society (ACS)

American Council for Capital Formation (ACCF)

American Physical Society (APS)

Associated Universities Inc. (AUI)

BPC Action

Brimstone Energy 


"Technology transfer is vital to creating a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem and scaling new technologies to help address climate change. For carbon removal, use, and industrial capture in particular, getting to the gigaton level will require government support across the RDD&D spectrum. The Energizing Technology Transfer Act will help revitalize and build new federal infrastructure to meet critical climate goals and encourage economic growth. We are excited to support the introduction of this bill." - Carbon180

Clean Air Task Force (CATF)

"CATF strongly supports the introduction of the Energizing Technology Transfer Act by Chairwoman Johnson. We need to leverage federal resources like the Department of Energy and our national labs to drive more innovation into our energy system through the types of public-private partnerships this legislation would promote. This sort of activity is a critical component of decarbonizing US energy production and use." - Kurt Waltzer, Managing Director, Clean Air Task Force

Clean Energy Business Network (CEBN)

Clean Energy Trust

CleanTech Alliance


Coalition for Green Capital

"Congress should create policies that support clean energy technology through the full development cycle. As an organization focused on broad market deployment of mature technologies through a National Climate Bank, we absolutely support good policies like these that encourage earlier stage tech innovation, so that later those solutions can be deployed at scale." - Jeffrey Schub, Executive Director of Coalition for Green Capital

Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)


Federation of American Scientists

Greater Houston Partnership

Greentown Labs

“Greentown Labs is thrilled to express its enthusiastic support for the Energizing Technology Transfer Act,” said Emily Reichert, Chief Executive Office of Greentown Labs. “COVID-19 has posed unprecedented challenges for cleantech startups and for the incubators that provide them support and services, and both face a challenging path forward without additional support. The programs included in this bill have the potential to play a crucial role in catalyzing cleantech innovation and driving job growth for an equitable, clean-energy-fueled recovery from COVID-19 across the nation.“

Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF)

"ITIF welcomes this effort to comprehensively address DOE technology transfer and commercialization programs and policies. These programs and policies are vital to the achievement of DOE’s missions. Programs like Small Business Vouchers and Lab-Embedded Entrepreneurship have proven their value and deserve to be authorized and expanded, while newer efforts to strengthen regional clean energy innovation ecosystems would be great additions to the Department’s activities." -David Hart, Senior Fellow, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF)

National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO)

OSA-The Optical Society

State Science & Technology Institute (SSTI)

State University of New York

Sublime Systems

University City Science Center

University of California System

"The Energizing Technology Transfer Act is an important suite of proven approaches to accelerate the deployment of new clean energy solutions as part of our integrated energy landscape.  Together, these complementary programs can drive our nation’s energy goals while strengthening our economy and energy independence." -Dr. Theresa Maldonado, University of California System Vice President for Research and Innovation

University of Maine