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July 28, 2009

To provide for a program of research, development, and demonstration on natural gas vehicles

Bill Summary and Status

Passed the House on July 21, 2009

Reported (as amended) by the Full Committee on June 24, 2009

Cleared the Energy and Environment Subcommittee on June 16, 2009 

Introduced in the House on March 19, 2009



 Section 1. Natural Gas Vehicle Research, Development, and Demonstration Projects

Section 1(a) directs the Secretary of Energy, in coordination with the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency as necessary, to conduct a five-year program of natural gas vehicle research, development and demonstration.
Section 1(b) lays out the purpose of the program which is to focus on the continued improvement and development of new, cleaner, more efficient light-, medium- and heavy-duty natural gas vehicle engines; the integration of those engines into light-, medium-, and heavy-duty natural gas vehicles for on-road and off-road applications; expanding product availability by ensuring technologies researched and developed assist engines and vehicles in meeting Federal and State requirements and standards; the demonstration and proper operation and use of the vehicles; the development and improvement of nationally recognized codes and standards for natural gas vehicles; improvement in the reliability and efficiency of natural gas fueling station infrastructure; the certification of natural gas fueling station infrastructure; the improvement in the reliability and efficiency of onboard natural gas fuel storage systems; the development of new natural gas fuel storage materials; the certification of onboard natural gas fuel storage systems; the use of natural gas engines in hybrid vehicles; and researching and developing technologies and processes to streamline the process by which natural gas conversion systems meet Federal and State requirements and standards.
Section 1(c) directs the Secretary to coordinate with the natural gas vehicle industry to ensure cooperation between the public and private sector.
Section 1(d) requires the program to be conducted in accordance with sections 3001 and 3002 of the Energy Policy Act of 1992.
Section 1(e) requires the Secretary to provide a report to Congress on the implementation of Section 1 of the Act not later than two years after the date of enactment.
Section 1(f) authorizes the appropriation of $30 million for each of the fiscal years 2010 through 2014.
Section 1(g) defines the term “natural gas” to mean compressed natural gas, liquefied natural gas, biomethane, and mixtures of hydrogen and methane or natural gas.