Advanced Air Mobility: The Future of Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Beyond
Opening Statement:
Ranking Member Zoe Lofgren (D-CA)
Dr. Jamey Jacob, Executive Director, Oklahoma Institute for Research and Education; Williams Chair in Energy and Professor of Aerospace Engineering, Oklahoma State University
Dr. Parimal Kopardekar, Director, NASA Aeronautics Research Institute
Ms. Lisa Ellman, Executive Director, Commercial Drone Alliance
Mr. Sean Casey, Chief Research and Development Engineer, AirWise Solutions; Adjunct Professor, System Safety and Reliability Analysis at Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology
This hearing will serve as a legislative hearing for The National Drone and Advanced Air Mobility Act, a bill that would provide for a coordinated Federal initiative to accelerate civilian unmanned aircraft systems and advanced air mobility research and development to strengthen economic and national security. Attached is a discussion draft of the bill under consideration.