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New Directions for Energy Research and Development at the U.S. Department of Energy

Date: Monday, July 27, 2009 Time: 10:00 AM Location: 2318 Rayburn House Office Building

Opening Statement By Chairman Bart Gordon

Good morning and welcome. I am very pleased to have our new Secretary of Energy, Dr. Steven Chu here to testify this morning on the new directions for energy research at the Department of Energy.

As a preview to the more detailed budget proposal we will see from the Administration in April, this hearing provides an opportunity for Secretary Chu to discuss the Administration’s priorities for energy research and development.

The Department has a critical task ahead in energy and climate research and technology development.

Make no mistake. At this time, gas prices may be low and the effects of climate change may not be apparent to everyone, but this will not last. We must take action now to become a cleaner, more efficient energy economy. To do this we must diversify our sources of energy by expanding the use of renewable energy and using fossil resources more cleanly and efficiently.

I believe that nuclear energy will also be a part of this equation, but I have concerns about management of its waste.

Dr. Chu, this Committee stands ready to work with you to develop the appropriate R&D path forward for waste disposal.

As a key member of the National Academies’ Gathering Storm panel, Dr. Chu was intimately involved in laying the groundwork for the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Energy or ARPA-E. This Committee will continue to work with the Secretary to ensure its success. I look forward to hearing about the status of ARPA-E start-up.

The $39 billion dollars allocated to DOE in the Recovery Act funds a wide range of activities spanning the innovation spectrum from basic research to supporting the market for new energy technologies.

It also presents a historic opportunity to put people to work building a more sustainable future for the country. However, when it comes to the taxpayers’ money we must work together to ensure these funds are spent wisely.

In this hearing we will have only a brief opportunity to cover a range of critical issues. But I consider this the beginning of a productive partnership with Secretary Chu.

Dr. Chu, I look forward to your testimony, and I thank you for appearing before the Committee this morning.



0 - Dr. Steven Chu
Secretary U.S. Department of Energy U.S. Department of Energy
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