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New Roadmaps for Wind and Solar Research and Development

Date: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 Time: 02:00 PM Location: 2318 Rayburn House Office Building

Opening Statement By Chairman Brian Baird

Today’s hearing will explore research and development needs for both wind and solar energy technologies. The U.S. has great potential for expanding the use of renewable energy resources. According to a study by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, the accessible wind potential in just 12 states could power the entire country twice over. Lawrence Berkeley National Lab has also shown that if we covered just one quarter of one percent of total U.S. land area with currently available solar panels, we could meet all of our energy needs.

In order to realize this potential, considerable investments are required. We need a significant upgrade to our transmission grid and substantial investments in new generation equipment. However, if we are to move beyond fossil fuels and address the growing threat of climate disruption and ocean acidification, these domestic energy options must receive additional support. Wind and solar technologies have progressed over the last several decades to a point where cost-competitiveness with fossil fuels is considered achievable and paths toward this goal can be laid out in detail.

Today we will hear from an excellent panel of witnesses on the concrete steps that government and the private sector can take to overcome the technical and economic barriers that wind and solar still face in the U.S. We will also receive testimony on H.R. 3165, the Wind Energy Research and Development Act of 2009. This bill was recently introduced by my friend and colleague, Mr. Tonko, to establish a more comprehensive research, development, and demonstration program at the Department of Energy. I believe the bill goes a long way toward helping wind power reach its full national potential.

I thank the witnesses for appearing before the Subcommittee this afternoon. With that I yield to our distinguished Ranking Member, Mr. Inglis.




1 - Mr. Steve Lockard
CEO of TPI Composites Co-Chair of the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) Research & Development Committee Co-Chair of the American Wind Energy Association
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3 - Mr. Ken Zweibel
Director George Washington University Solar Institute George Washington University Solar Institute
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4 - Ms. Nancy Bacon
Senior Advisor United Photonics Ovonic and Energy Conversion Devices, Inc. United Photonics Ovonic and Energy Conversion Devices, Inc.
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5 - Professor Andy Swift
Director Wind Science and Engineering Research Center Texas Tech University Wind Science and Engineering Research Center Texas Tech University
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2 - Mr. John Saintcross
Program Manager Energy and Environmental Markets New York State Energy Research and Development Authority Energy and Environmental Markets New York State Energy
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