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The Administration’s FY 2011 Research and Development Budget Proposal

Date: Wednesday, March 3, 2010 Time: 10:30 AM Location: 2318 Rayburn House Office Building

Opening Statement By Chairman Bart Gordon

Good morning and welcome to this Science and Technology Committee hearing on Research and Development in the President’s fiscal year 2011 budget request. Recognizing that we are in a time of constrained budgets and some very tough choices had to be made, I was very happy to see strong increases for research and development in the President’s budget. 
Ironically, it is during these difficult economic times that we have both an imperative and an opportunity to invest in our future economic growth through science, technology and STEM education. It is an imperative because we must lay the foundation for future discoveries and transformative technologies such as the internet. That foundation involves investing in cutting edge research, as well as in the mechanisms that facilitate technology transfer and innovation that translates into 21st century jobs and improved standard of living. It also requires investing in the education and training of a workforce prepared for those high-skills, high-paying jobs generated through innovation. I am happy to see such a focus on STEM education in the President’s budget.
But business as usual will not be enough to maintain our lead, and to keep our own and the world’s best talent here in the U.S., especially as other countries rapidly increase their own investments in science and technology.   In 2007, we bucked business as usual and created ARPA-E as a whole new model of funding high-risk, but potentially transformative clean energy research. While I was hoping for more, I was pleased to see strong support for ARPA-E in the President’s budget.  These economic downturns present us with an opportunity to take a step back and think about how to innovate throughout our science and technology enterprise.  
I want to thank Dr. Holdren for appearing before the Committee today to discuss how we can work together to achieve these goals. And I’m sure you will not be surprised that my colleagues and I also have some questions and concerns about particular agencies and programs within the budget. I look forward to a productive discussion about these issues.



0 - Dr. John Holdren
Assistant to the President for Science and Technology and Director Office of Science and Technology Policy Office of Science and Technology Policy
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