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The Department of Energy Fiscal Year 2012 Research and Development Budget Request

Date: Tuesday, March 8, 2011 Time: 11:00 AM Location: 2318 Rayburn House Office Building

Opening Statement By Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson

Opening Statement By

Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson

March 3, 2011

Hearing on the FY 2012 Department of Energy Budget Request

Committee on Science, Space, and Technology



Thank you Chairman Hall, and welcome back to the Committee, Secretary Chu.  We are here today to discuss the President’s fiscal year 2012 budget request for the Department of Energy, even as the fiscal year 2011 budget still dominates the attention of Congress.  For both budget years, and likely for years to come, the issue remains the same: while we must be fiscally responsible, we also must keep America competitive and create a better future the American people. 




I agree with Chairman Hall - we are in a dangerous position as it relates to our national deficit.  As any responsible American family would do, we have to reconcile how much money the government spends with what it brings in.  But we are also in danger of jeopardizing our standard of living and our future if we allow good programs to fall victim to indiscriminate cuts.  It is time to set priorities, and make hard choices that do not leave our workforce ill-prepared and hamper the country’s ability to innovate and grow.  If a family’s budget is squeezed, they don’t solve the problem by pulling the kids out of school. 




We cannot roll back the clock on our economy.  Our economic woes weren’t caused by too much science.  At a time like this we need to make the critical investments to bolster our research infrastructure and our future workforce, advancing our technological capabilities now, while sowing the seeds for the industries of the future.  And let me clear; I stand with the President, a number of respected conservative c



0 - Dr. Steven Chu
Secretary U.S. Department of Energy U.S. Department of Energy
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