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Energy and Environment Subcommittee Markup -- H.R. 6323

Date: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 Time: 12:00 AM Location: Washington D.C.

Opening Statement By Chairman Nick Lampson

Good morning.  Today the Subcommittee will consider three bills. 

The first is H.R. 4174, “The Federal Ocean Acidification Research and Monitoring Act.”  This bill establishes an interagency ocean acidification research and monitoring program. H.R. 4174 was introduced by our colleague from Maine, Congressman Tom Allen, and is sponsored by a member of this Subcommittee Mr. Baird.     

On June 5th we heard from a panel of experts on ocean and atmospheric sciences testify in strong support of this legislation. The bill authorizes the formation of an interagency research and monitoring program to better understand ocean acidification and its potential impacts on marine organisms and marine ecosystems.

The second bill we will is consider is H.R. 5618, “The National Sea Grant College Program Amendments Act.”  H.R. 5618 was introduced by Congresswoman Bordallo, Chair of the Committee on Natural Resources Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, and Oceans.  This bill reauthorizes and amends the National Sea Grant College Program Act to implement changes in the program recommended by the National Academy of Sciences.

The National Sea Grant College Program was last reauthorized in 2002. It is a partnership between states and the federal government to promote the understanding, conservation, and management of our ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes resources.  Sea Grants research, education, and extension programs have been very effective in training future scientists and resource managers, generating information to support sound resource management, and delivering applied research results to the people who rely on our coastal areas and Great Lakes for their livelihoods.    

Finally, the Subcommittee will consider draft legislation authored by Mr. Sensenbrenner, Ranking Member of the Investigations and Oversight Subcommittee, to enhance the Department of Energy’s research program in heavy duty hybrid trucks.

Mr. Sensenbrenner does not sit on this Subcommittee, and thus will not be joining us today.  I understand that the manager’s amendment has only one small technical change that needs to be made prior to introduction, and that we will take up any additional amendments in a full committee markup.  

This bill addresses a narrow segment of the automobile market with a tremendous potential impact.  We heard in a Subcommittee hearing last week from witnesses who described the substantial oil savings and emissions reductions to be had in medium-to-heavy hybrid trucks, as well as the benefit to the whole domestic automotive sector from the invaluable lessons learned in designing and manufacturing these systems. 

I believe this is a very important piece of legislation in the large and complex puzzle that is our transportation sector.   I look forward to moving this bill through Committee and on to the floor for consideration by the House. 

I urge the support of all Members of the Subcommittee for the three bills we will consider today.  I look forward to working with all of you to further improve these important bills as we move to their consideration by the full Committee.

Bill Number Legislative Report Markup Transcript
H.R. 6323

Reported, as amended

 Draft Legislation