Full Committee Markup of H.R. 272, H.R. 6219, H.R. 7687, H.R. 4152, H.R. 7630, H.R. 7686, H.R. 7073, & H.R. 7685
Opening Statement
Ranking Member Zoe Lofgren (D-CA)
H.R. 272, the Astronaut Safe Temporary Ride Options Act (ASTRO Act) - passed by a recorded vote of 35-0, favorably reported to the House
H.R. 6219, the Accessing Satellite Data to Enable New Discoveries Act (ASCEND Act) - passed by a recorded vote of 37-0, favorably reported to the House
- Amendment #058 to H.R. 6219 offered by Ms. Sykes (D-OH) - passed by voice vote
H.R. 7687, the NASA Streamlining Partnerships for Research and Education for Engineering and Science Act (SPREES Act) - passed by a recorded vote of 37-0, favorably reported to the House
H.R. 4152, the Space Resources Institute Act - passed by a recorded vote of 37-0, favorably reported to the House
- Amendment #052 to H.R. 4152 offered by Ms. Lee (D-PA) - passed by voice vote
H.R. 7630, the Accelerating Networking, Cyberinfrastructure, and Hardware for Oceanic Research Act (ANCHOR Act) - passed by a recorded vote of 38-0, favorably reported to the House
H.R. 7686, the Malign Foreign Talent Recruitment Program Definition Clarification - passed by a recorded vote of 38-0, favorably reported to the House
- Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute (ANS) to H.R. 7686 offered by Mr. Lucas (R-OK) - passed by voice vote
- Amendment to the ANS offered by Ms. Tenney (R-NY) - withdrawn
H.R. 7073, the Next Generation Pipelines Research and Development Act - passed by a recorded vote of 36-0, favorably reported to the House
- Amendment #053 to H.R. 7073 offered by Ms. Lee (D-PA) - passed by voice vote
- Amendment #027 to H.R. 7073 offered by Mr. Weber (R-TX) - passed by voice vote
H.R. 7685, the Innovative Mitigation Partnerships for Asphalt and Concrete Technologies Act (IMPACT Act) - passed by a recorded vote of 38-0, favorably reported to the House
- Amendment #032 to H.R. 7685 offered by Mr. Miller (R-OH) - passed by voice vote
- Amendment #039 to H.R. 7685 offered by Mr. Sorensen (D-IL)- withdrawn