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H.R. 4061

Date: Tuesday, November 24, 2009 Time: 11:00 AM Location: 2318 Rayburn House Office Building

Opening Statement By Chairman Bart Gordon

As I mentioned, the Committee will consider H.R 4061 today. This is a good bipartisan bill based on input we received in four hearings held on cybersecurity. I would like to thank my colleagues, Dr. Lipinski, Mr. Wu, Dr. Ehlers and Mr. Smith for their leadership and bipartisan work on the bill.
As many of you know, October was Cybersecurity Awareness Month. I think it’s timely that we are considering this legislation on the heels of that effort to encourage people to protect their computers and the nation’s critical cyberinfrastructure. The theme of the recent awareness campaign was “Our Shared Responsibility.” I find the theme particularly fitting as it also reflects an overarching recommendation in this year’s Administration review of cyberspace policy. The common thread through all of the recommendations of the review was the importance of partnerships between the federal government and the private sector in achieving a more secure cyberspace.
Specific recommendations of the Administration review included:
  • Developing a skilled cybersecurity workforce.
  • Coordinating and prioritizating the federal R and D portfolio.
  • Improving technology transfer to make sure new technologies make it into the marketplace.
  • Promoting cybersecurity education and awareness for the general public.
  • And, coordinating U.S. representation in the development of international standards.
Today’s bill addresses every one of these recommendations. H.R. 4061 is based on the concept that in order to improve the security of our networked systems, which are fundamentally both public and private in nature, the federal government must work in concert with the private sector. H.R. 4061 will further our efforts in this direction and I urge my colleagues to support it.

  • H.R. 4061, the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2009