Markup of: H.R. 6076, the “To Research, Evaluate, Assess, and Treat Astronauts Act” (TREAT Astronauts Act); H.R. 6066, the “Cybersecurity Responsibility and Accountability Act of 2016”; and H.R. 5829, the “ADVISE Now Act”
Opening Statements
Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX)
H.R. 6076, the “To Research, Evaluate, Assess, and Treat Astronauts Act” (TREAT Astronauts Act)
H.R. ____, the “Cybersecurity Responsibility and Accountability Act of 2016”
H.R. 5829, the “ADVISE Now Act”
H.R. 6076, the “To Research, Evaluate, Assess, and Treat Astronauts Act” (TREAT Astronauts Act)
Amendment to H.R. 6076 Offered by Ms. Edwards (D-MD) - passed by voice vote
H.R. 6066, the “Cybersecurity Responsibility and Accountability Act of 2016”
Amendment to H.R. 6066 Offered by Mr. McCaul (R-TX) - withdrawn