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Fact Sheets

October 2021
Chairwoman Johnson Congratulates 2021 Nobel Laureates
Chairwoman Johnson Applauds Start of National Academies Study on Advancing Anti-Racism in STEM Organizations
Chairwoman Johnson Opening Statement for Hearing on Balancing Open Science and Security in the U.S. Research Enterprise
Chairwoman Stevens Opening Statement for Hearing on Balancing Open Science and Security in the U.S. Research Enterprise
Chairman Foster Opening Statement for Hearing on Balancing Open Science and Security in the U.S. Research Enterprise
September 2021
Chairwoman Johnson Urges Swift Consideration of President’s Nominee Christopher Frey as Assistant Administrator for EPA’s Office of Research and Development
Chairwoman Johnson Opening Statement for Hearing on Researching the Spread of Disinformation and Misinformation on Social Media
Chairman Foster Opening Statement for Hearing on Researching the Spread of Disinformation and Misinformation on Social Media
Chairs Johnson and Beyer Congratulate NASA on the Successful Launch of Landsat 9
Chairwoman Sherrill Opening Statement for Hearing on Advancing Earth System Science and Stewardship at NOAA
Chairwoman Johnson Opening Statement for Hearing on Advancing Earth System Science and Stewardship at NOAA
Chairwoman Johnson Applauds President Biden’s Assembly of PCAST Members
Chairwoman Johnson Statement on the Passing of Former Chairman Sherwood Boehlert
Chairwoman Johnson Opening Statement for Hearing on the Future of the ISS
Chairman Beyer Opening Statement for Hearing on the Future of the ISS
The Hill: US must not only lead in artificial intelligence, but also in its ethical application
We must act on climate, and we cannot wait until the decade is out
Corpus Christi Caller-Times: Preparation for peak hurricane season must include protection against COVID-19
Committee on Science, Space, and Technology's Fact Sheet on the Build Back Better Act
Chairwoman Johnson Opening Statement for Full Committee Markup
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