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February 16, 2006

Letter to NASA Administrator on Assuring Free and Open Scientific Communication

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February 16, 2006

Dr. Michael D. Griffin
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
300E. Street, SW
Washington, DC 20546

Dear Administrator Griffin:

I appreciate your letter responding to my concerns about censorship of scientific findings by NASA public affairs officials. Your letter is clear and unequivocal in your position on the issue and the steps you have initiated to review and improve policies related to promoting the free and open exchange of scientific and technical information.

The extensive discussions you and your top staff have had with me, my Science Committee Staff Director and others reflect your commitment to correct any inappropriate or conflicting policies to the openness you insist on at NASA. Your statement that you, "will not tolerate any policy or action whereby Public Affairs Officers filter, alter, edit, or censor scientific findings and facts" is just the kind of position I had hoped you would adopt. Further, the policy development group you have convened reflects action attached to words....

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