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August 21, 2008

Miller letter to Inspector General Maquire Regarding Technical Flaws in Terrorist Watch List

August 21, 2008

Mr. Edward Maquire
Inspector General
Office of the Director of National Intelligence
Washington, D.C. 20511

Dear Inspector General Maquire:

One of the key findings of the 9.11 Commission[1] that investigated the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks was that the U.S. intelligence and law enforcement communities had failed to “connect the dots” and share vital terrorist intelligence that may have detected the 9.11 plot and possibly prevented those attacks.  One of the commission’s key recommendations was to unify all terrorist intelligence data from all government agencies under a National Counterterrorism Center.  Without centralizing the collection, review and analysis of all of the government’s terrorist intelligence information, the commission warned, “it is not possible to ‘connect the dots.’” [2]

[1]  The official title of the 9.11 Commission is the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States.  The commission’s final report is accessible at:

[2]  The 9.11 Commission Report, p. 408.


 Read the complete letter to Inspector General Maquire >>

 Read the memo to Subcommittee Chairman Miller >>

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