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October 11, 2005

Second letter to Secretary of Commerce on Mandated Report Concerning Impacts of Offshoring and Globalization

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October 11, 2005

The Honorable Carlos Gutierrez
Secretary, Department of Commerce
Room 5421
Fourteenth Street and Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20230

Dear Secretary Gutierrez:

We wrote to you on August 3, 2005, asking that you release the congressionally directed report on off-shoring professional jobs in the manufacturing and services industries.  That report was due to Congress by June 30, 2004.  Your response to our letter dated September 15, 2005 did provide a copy of a report, but you did not answer our question regarding why the report was so overdue, and the document you provided raises more questions.

The report provided by your Office is just 12 pages in Iength and has almost no substantive analysis or data.  It reads more like an editorial in a popular rnagazine than an analytical report, and it resembles in no fashion the normal work product that we have come to expect from the Technology Administration at Commerce.

In addition, the report you delivered to us actually carries a date of June 2004.  It took more than an additional year, and our letter, to shake this report out of the Department - we do not understand your reticence to make this report public....

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