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April 03, 2023

Letters to Appropriations Subcommittee Chairs Regarding FY24 Appropriations

Ranking Member Lofgren Letter to Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies  Ranking Member Lofgren Letter to Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Ranking Member Lofgren Letter to Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies  …  Continue Reading 

December 14, 2022

ITER Letters

ITER Letter to Secretary Granholm ITER Letter to Director General …  Continue Reading 

November 21, 2022

Letters to FCC on NOAA SPRES Study

Letter to Chairwoman Rosenworcel Letter to Commissioner Simington Letter to Commissioner Carr Letter to Commissioner …  Continue Reading 

November 11, 2022

Letter to Appropriations Chair Rosa DeLauro on Authorizing Funding in CHIPS and Science Act

Letter to Appropriations Chair Rosa DeLauro on Authorizing Funding in CHIPS and Science …  Continue Reading 

October 18, 2022

Letter to the Office of Science and Technology Policy on Research Access

Letter to the Office of Science and Technology Policy on Research …  Continue Reading 

September 27, 2022

Bipartisan Letter to FCC on Orbital Debris Mitigation

Bipartisan Letter to FCC on Orbital Debris …  Continue Reading 

September 15, 2022

Letter to Hon. Billy Nolen from Beyer and Babin Urging Transparency in FAA Investigation of Blue Origin Booster Failure

Letter to Hon. Billy Nolen from Beyer and Babin Urging Transparency in FAA Investigation of Blue Origin Booster …  Continue Reading 

August 15, 2022

Chairmen Bowman and Foster Letter on DOE Office of Science Budget

Chairmen Bowman and Foster Letter on DOE Office of Science …  Continue Reading 

April 06, 2022

Chairwoman Johnson and Ranking Member Lucas Letter to President Biden Urging Rescindment of NTSB Proposal that would Exceed Agency Authority

Chairwoman Johnson and Ranking Member Lucas Letter to President Biden Urging Rescindment of NTSB Proposal that would Exceed Agency …  Continue Reading 

February 07, 2022

Chairwoman Johnson and Ranking Member Lucas Letter to President Biden Requesting Details of White House Investigation on OSTP Director Lander's Misconduct

Chairwoman Johnson and Ranking Member Lucas Letter to President Biden Requesting Details of White House Investigation on OSTP Director Lander's Misconduct  …  Continue Reading 

December 02, 2021

Letters to Permian Basin Oil and Gas Companies Seeking Methane Leak Emission Data

Letter to Admiral Permian Resources Operating, LLC Letter to Ameredev II, LLC Letter to Chevron Corporation Letter to ConocoPhillips Letter to Coterra Energy Inc. Letter to Devon Energy Corporation Letter to ExxonMobil Corporation Letter to Mewbourne Oil Company Letter to Occidental Petroleum Corporation Letter to Pioneer Natural Resources Company …  Continue Reading 

August 10, 2021

Letters to FCC Commissioners Calling for Standards to Avoid Spectrum Interference

Letter to FCC Commissioner Nathan Simington Letter to FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel Letter to FCC Commissioner Brandan Carr Letter to FCC Commissioner Geoffrey …  Continue Reading 

July 23, 2021

Letter to OSTP Director Lander on Laboratory Safety and Dual Use Research of Concern (DURC)

Letter to OSTP Director Lander on Laboratory Safety and Dual Use Research of Concern …  Continue Reading 

July 01, 2021

FY22 Appropriations Proposals from Chairwoman Johnson to Appropriations Chairwoman Rosa DeLauro

Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Energy and Water Development, and Related Agencies Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development, and Related …  Continue Reading 

April 14, 2021

Letter to EPA Administrator Regan Requesting Review of Rules on Chlorpyrifos

Letter to EPA Administrator Regan Requesting Review of Rules on …  Continue Reading 

January 15, 2021

Letter to Inspector General Gustafson Requesting Investigation on Climate Change Flyers

Letter to Inspector General Gustafson Requesting Investigation on Climate Change …  Continue Reading 

November 23, 2020

Letter to Secretary Ross and NOAA Administrator Jacobs on the Appointment of David Legates to New Senior-Level NOAA Role

Letter to Secretary Ross and NOAA Administrator Jacobs on the Appointment of David Legates to New Senior-Level NOAA …  Continue Reading 

November 17, 2020

Letter to Department of Commerce Secretary Ross Criticizing the Appointment of Dr. Richwine for New Senior NIST Role

Letter to Department of Commerce Secretary Ross Criticizing the Appointment of Dr. Richwine for New Senior NIST …  Continue Reading 

October 23, 2020

Letter to DOE Secretary Brouillette Urging Agency to Release DOE-funded Reports

Letter to DOE Secretary Brouillette Urging Agency to Release DOE-funded …  Continue Reading 

September 22, 2020

Letter to DOE Secretary Brouillette Urging Agency to Make Public the Findings of the Interconnections Seam Study

Letter to DOE Secretary Brouillette Urging Agency to Make Public the Findings of the Interconnections Seam Study Response from …  Continue Reading 

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