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November 20, 2014

Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson Reelected as Ranking Member of Committee

(Washington, DC) –Today, Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) was elected by her colleagues in the Democratic Caucus to continue as Ranking Member of the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology for the 114th Congress. 

Ranking Member Johnson said the following.

“It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as Ranking Member of the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology over these past two Congresses, and I am eager to continue to work with my colleagues on the Committee. Though the 113th has been a tough Congress for the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, I truly hope that we can find room for bipartisan agreement on many of the issues the Committee will face in the 114th.

“I firmly believe it is time that this Committee recommit to ensuring that the United States remains the global leader in science and innovation. Our investments in R&D and STEM education, whether in basic research, energy technology innovation, aeronautics and space exploration, manufacturing, climate science, or any of the other important elements of our nation’s R&D and innovation enterprise are far too important to let them fall victim to partisan bickering.”

Ms. Johnson was first elected Ranking Member in December 2010, becoming the first African-American and the first female Ranking Member of the Committee.  She joined the Science, Space, and Technology Committee as a freshman Member of Congress in 1993.

Committee Members are expected to be assigned in January.