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March 23, 2015

Ranking Member Johnson Attends White House Science Fair

(Washington, DC) – Today, President Obama hosted the fifth annual White House Science Fair to celebrate the achievements of students in a broad range of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) endeavors. This year’s Science Fair focused on diversity and included students from underrepresented backgrounds who are excelling in STEM and inspiring the next generation with their work.

President Obama announced $240 million in private-sector commitments to inspire and prepare more students – especially those from underrepresented groups – to excel in the STEM fields. For more information, please click here.

Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) attended the Fair. Following the event, she said the following:

“Every year, I am so impressed by the vision and drive of these students. From working on biofuels to helping those with Alzheimer’s to purifying drinking water, among many other amazing projects, these young people prove that not only are they our future scientists, engineers, and innovators, they are already working to provide societal benefits.

“As a life-long advocate of STEM education, and of the need to diversify our STEM outreach, I was pleased to see the focus on diversity at the Fair. Research shows that women and underrepresented minorities, who by 2050 will comprise more than 50 percent of our population, are disproportionately lost at every transition point in their STEM studies and research careers.  As a Nation, we cannot afford to continue hemorrhaging so much talent. Events such as today’s Science Fair today help show underrepresented children that they too can excel in STEM.

“I was also pleased by the President’s announcement today. U.S. companies are realizing more and more how critical it is to their long-term success that we have a robust high-tech workforce. Meanwhile, foundations and other nonprofits are increasingly leveraging their resources and expertise in this area. I’m very excited to see how much the private sector has stepped up to confront these issues in the past few years and I look forward to seeing the fruits of these investments in the years to come.”