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November 19, 2015

Committee Introduces Bipartisan Nuclear R&D Bill

(Washington, D.C.) – Energy Subcommittee Chairman Randy Weber (R-TX) along with Full Committee Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) and Chairman Lamar Smith (R-TX) today introduced the Nuclear Energy Innovation Capabilities Act (H.R. 4084). This important bill directs the Department of Energy (DOE) to prioritize research and development (R&D) infrastructure that will enable the private sector to invest in advanced reactor technologies. The bill provides a clear path forward to attract private investment for prototype development at DOE labs.

Energy Subcommittee Chairman Randy Weber: “The Nuclear Energy Innovation Capabilities Act directs DOE to prioritize its R&D infrastructure on capabilities that will enable the private sector to develop advanced reactor technologies that could yield inherent safety, less waste, higher thermal efficiency, zero air emissions, increased reliability, and greater resistance to proliferation.”

Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson: “I am very pleased to co-sponsor the Nuclear Energy Innovation Capabilities Act, which will help accelerate the development of advanced nuclear energy technologies that are safer, less expensive, more efficient, and produce less waste than the current generation of nuclear reactors. Nuclear power currently plays a pivotal role in providing our country with reliable energy. As a nation, it produces almost 20 percent of our total electric power, and it provides almost 9 percent of the electricity generated in the great state of Texas - all with essentially no greenhouse gas emissions. This bill will ensure that innovators at our national labs, universities, and in the private sector have the tools they need for nuclear energy to play a key role in enabling our nation’s clean energy future.”

Chairman Lamar Smith: “Whether it is for electricity generation, medical applications, national security, or space exploration, America cannot afford to lose our nuclear engineers, researchers and technology developers. The Nuclear Energy Innovation Capabilities Act promotes cutting edge nuclear technology and helps maintain America’s global leadership in this critical field.”