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April 20, 2009

Chairman Baird Hosts Discussion on Potential of Technologies to Use Forest Biomass to Create Green Energy, Jobs

Washington, D.C.—Today, the House Science and Technology Committee Subcommittee on Energy and Environment Chairman Brian Baird (D-WA) held a field briefing on the potential of technologies to use forest biomass to produce clean, green energy. Rep. Greg Walden (R-OR) and Rep. Jay Inslee (D-WA) also participated.

“One of the answers to our nation’s energy problems could literally be in our own backyard,” said Baird. “Our timber economy has been hit particularly hard by this recession. These technologies could help put thousands of people back to work, while generating clean, green energy that can power a 21st century economy, help end our addiction to foreign oil and combat global overheating.”
Experts discussed how technologies could potentially make use of forest biomass to create renewable energy that could power cars, heat thousands of homes or create new renewable materials that can replace petroleum based chemicals. 

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