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September 28, 2010

Chairman Gordon's Remarks on H.Res. 1660

Madam Speaker, I rise today in strong support of H.Res. 1660, a resolution supporting the goals and ideals of the inaugural USA Science and Engineering Festival.
I want to congratulate the gentleman from California (Mr. Bilbray) for introducing this resolution.
A number of much-publicized studies have shown that the mathematics and science achievement of American students is poor by international standards. There is a dark cloud over the future of American competitiveness. Without high-achieving math and science students today, we won’t have innovative scientists, engineers, and technologists tomorrow. 
As many of you know, the House recently passed the America COMPETES Act Reauthorization, which seeks to improve STEM education at all levels, not only so that our Nation will produce the world’s leading scientists and engineers but also so that all students will have a strong grounding in math and science. 
But STEM education in this country is a problem that no one entity or bill can solve alone. There is a role for all key stakeholders in inspiring the next generation of innovators, including through efforts like the USA Science and Engineering Festival. 
The USA Science and Engineering Festival, which is taking place in October on the National Mall and in satellite locations across the country, is a collaboration of hundreds of science and engineering companies, professional associations, colleges and universities, K-12 schools and other organizations, all with the goal to recruit the next generation of scientists and engineers, by inspiring students and showing them how science intersects daily lives. The culmination of the Festival will be a free, two-day Expo on the National Mall and will feature over 1500 interactive science activities. 
I want to once again commend Mr. Bilbray and his cosponsors for introducing this resolution and urge my colleagues to join me in supporting the goals and ideals of the inaugural USA Science and Engineering Festival.