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September 11, 2020

Chairs Johnson and Foster Issue Statement on Clearview AI’s New Contract with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement

(Washington, DC) -- Earlier this spring, Committee leaders sent two letters to Clearview AI raising serious questions about privacy and security of its facial recognition technology and image databases. The Committee’s most recent communications with Clearview AI have only served to reinforce our concerns that the company’s protocols for ensuring accuracy in its facial recognition algorithm may be inadequate.

Recently, Clearview AI signed a new contract with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement that provides access to Clearview’s databases for the Department of Homeland Security.

Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) and Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight Chairman Bill Foster (D-IL) made the following statement.

“The emergence of yet another contract between Clearview AI and federal law enforcement agents raises alarms about the potential for individuals being misidentified and targeted by ICE agents, particularly people of color. Clearview AI has not subjected its technology to validation via the NIST Facial Recognition Vendor Test (FRVT) program or any other robust, independent review process to ensure its accuracy across all demographics. The Committee will continue to explore the technology concerns associated with Clearview AI’s and other facial recognition tools.”

Copies of the full letters and responses can be found here and here.