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February 11, 2020

Chairwoman Johnson Questions EPA’s Proposed Guidance on Science Advisory Board Engagement

(Washington, DC) – Today, Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) sent a letter to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Andrew Wheeler requesting information on the effects of a draft memorandum titled, “Science Advisory Board Engagement Process.” The draft memorandum lays out new guidance for engaging with the EPA’s Science Advisory Board (SAB) on any proposed criteria document, standard, limitation, or regulation.

“I am particularly troubled by the timing of this draft memorandum as it appears to be a retaliatory reaction to recent draft SAB reports that are critical of several proposed rulemakings being promulgated by the Agency,” said Chairwoman Johnson in the letter. “I have serious questions not just about what practical effects the draft memorandum would have on the SAB’s utility to EPA and the general public, but also about its legality.”

A copy of the letter can be found here.