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March 31, 2021

Chairwoman Johnson Statement on Overhaul of Science Advisory Committees at EPA

(Dallas, TX) – Today, it was reported that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is overhauling the Science Advisory Board (SAB) and Clean Air Scientific Advisory Council (CASAC), two advisory committees that were seriously damaged by Trump-era appointments and management decisions. The decision to dismiss and reconstitute these committees serves as a corrective measure following the impacts of a prohibition on EPA grant recipients that was in place from 2017 until it was declared illegal last summer. 

Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) made the following statement.

“I applaud Administrator Regan’s steps to correct the degradation of the EPA’s science advisory committees under the Trump administration. The boards must be reconfigured to ensure the Administrator is getting advice from the nation’s best scientists across a range of disciplines, many of whom were disqualified from consideration under the illegal ban on EPA grant recipients. Recent news that the Agency is recompeting for key advisory boards is a necessary first step. The Committee has been outspoken in its criticism of the Trump-era Science Advisory Board and Clean Air Scientific Advisory Council, in particular, and will continue exercising its oversight authority to ensure these key committees are populated with the nation’s best and brightest.”