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April 22, 2021

Chairwoman Johnson Statement on President Biden’s New Emissions Target and Leaders Climate Summit

(Washington, DC) – Today, the Biden Administration announced that United States would submit a new nationally determined contribution (NDC) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) of 50-52 percent reduction from 2005 in net greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.

The White House also convened a two-day virtual Leaders Summit on Climate with forty invited world leaders in an effort to “galvanize efforts by the major economies to tackle the climate crisis.” The Summit underscores the urgency of stronger climate action on an international scale. The virtual Leaders Climate Summit is being live streamed for public viewing.

 Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) made the following statement.

“Today, President Biden took a significant step towards putting the United States back at the forefront of leading the global effort to fight the climate crisis. The goals set forth are ambitious, but our country has a history of rising to meet and surpass expectations when faced with significant national challenges. The United States has a cadre of top tier scientists and research institutions ready with innovative solutions to address the long-term impacts of the climate crisis. To ensure a better future for all, it’s vital we build upon the Biden-Harris Administration’s actions today and strengthen our coordinated efforts with allies across the world to put our climate change solutions to work. As Chairwoman of the Science, Space, and Technology Committee, I will continue to move forward in a bipartisan, bicameral way to support robust, sustained, and long-term investments to address the climate crisis and create actionable climate solutions.”