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May 28, 2019

Chairwoman Johnson Supports Sustained Funding of EPA’s Children’s Health Research

(Washington, DC) – Since 1997, the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Science to Achieve Results (STAR) grants program and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), housed within the National Institutes of Health (NIH), have co-funded a number of Children’s Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research Centers across the United States. These programs are now in jeopardy and are beginning to shutter, as EPA has not taken or solicited applications for their continued funding, despite the Centers’ profound contributions to our scientific understanding of how exposures to chemicals and pollutants uniquely impact children and pregnant women.

Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) made the following statement.

“The research that the Children’s Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research Centers have conducted on chemicals impacts on children has been ground-breaking and lifesaving. It is through the Centers’ studies that we have come to understand how certain chemicals, such as chlorpyrifos, have particularly devastating effects on our most vulnerable. The Trump Administration’s plan to withdraw support for this long-term research puts our children at risk unnecessarily and is counter to EPA’s mission. My colleagues in the House Appropriations Committee took steps this past Wednesday to restore these funds in next year’s budget, and I commend them for standing up for this important program.”