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July 10, 2019

Chairwoman Johnson's Opening Statement for Markup of H.R. 3597, H.R. 3607, and H.R. 3609

(Washington, DC) – Today, the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology’s Subcommittee on Energy is holding a markup of H.R. 3597, the Solar Energy Research and Development Act of 2019; H.R. 3607, the Fossil Energy Research and Development Act of 2019; and H.R. 3609, the Wind Energy Research and Development Act of 2019.

Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson’s (D-TX) opening statement for the record is below.

Good afternoon and thank you, Chairman Lamb, for holding this mark-up to advance bipartisan legislation that focuses on several of our nation’s most important energy resources: solar, wind, and fossil energy.

We are in a moment of transformation in this nation. Both Democrats and Republicans recognize the importance of prioritizing a clean energy future for America. The research paths we set forth today, such as those laid out in these bills, will be essential to helping us achieve our climate change mitigation and adaptation goals while ensuring that every American has access to low-cost, reliable electricity.

First, we have H.R. 3597, the Solar Research and Development Act of 2019, led by Congressman McAdams. This legislation lays out a thoughtful research agenda for solar energy, prioritizing technologies that are efficient, reliable, and affordable. This bill also supports a new solar technology manufacturing initiative that instructs the Department of Energy to develop and implement a plan for re-establishing a domestic solar energy manufacturing base.

Next, we have H.R. 3607, the Fossil Energy Research and Development Act of 2019, led by Congressman Veasey, which I was very happy to cosponsor along with my colleagues Chairman Lamb, our Environment Subcommittee Chairwoman Fletcher, and Congressman Schweikert. We know how important it is to invest in research to address the environmental impacts of fossil fuels, and this legislation does exactly that. This bill sets forth a research agenda for important topics like carbon capture, storage, and utilization; carbon removal; and methane leak detection and mitigation. And by doing so, this bill establishes a strong foundation for our nation’s research priorities on fossil energy.

Lastly, we have H.R. 3609, the Wind Energy Research and Development Act of 2019, led by Congressman Tonko. This legislation directs the Department of Energy to focus on a robust wind energy research agenda that includes new materials and system designs that promote sustainability and ease of manufacturing. This bill also supports a robust research agenda for offshore wind, which has significant potential for leveraging untapped energy resources near our nation’s coasts.

I thank my fellow members of Congress on both sides of the aisle who have worked hard on these bills for their leadership in advancing these important energy technologies. They are each strong examples of the kind of nonpartisan, constructive efforts that move us forward as a nation.

With that, I yield back.