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June 19, 2019

Chairwoman Johnson’s Statement on Clean Power Plan Replacement Rule

(Washington, DC) – Earlier today, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the final text of the Affordable Clean Energy Rule (ACE), which serves as a replacement of the Obama Administration’s Clean Power Plan. This rule establishes new emission guidelines for states as they develop plans to limit and address greenhouse gas emissions from existing coal-fired electric generating units (EGU).

Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) made the following statement.

“The Trump Administration has chosen yet again not to act on climate—inaction that comes at the expense of protecting the health and safety of the American people. Reducing carbon emissions is the most effective way to deal with the increasing impacts of climate change, including rising sea levels, more frequent and intense extreme weather events, and loss of sea ice. Reducing carbon emissions from coal-fired power plants, the most carbon-intensive form of electricity generation, would also reduce public exposure to fine particulate matter that contributes to a variety of negative health effects. The federal government should be increasing its support for the development and use of technologies that will substantially reduce these emissions, not loosening pollution standards and jeopardizing the health of Americans across the country.”