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December 02, 2020

Chairwomen Johnson and Sherrill Statements on 50th Anniversary of EPA

(Washington, DC) —In the 1960s, the deterioration of America’s environment, and its impacts on human health, were at the forefront of public discourse. To address these concerns, President Nixon proposed a plan to Congress in early 1970 that would consolidate federal environmental research, monitoring, and enforcement duties into one agency, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Today marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the EPA and the confirmation of William Ruckelshaus by the Senate to serve as its first Administrator.

“For many decades, the EPA has been known for its commitment to science as it worked to protect America’s environment and our public health,” said Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX). “As we work to rebuild this crucial agency under a Biden Administration, we must reemphasize the important role of high-quality science, research and development, and innovative technologies in the EPA’s work to protect the environment, address climate change, and safeguard human health. It is also vital to strengthen scientific integrity at EPA and build back the trust Americans once had in the agency. I extend my gratitude to all our Federal scientists who have devoted their careers to preserving and improving our environment and the health of our people. I am looking forward to working with my colleagues and with the Biden Administration to restore the EPA to the trustworthy agency it once was, for the good of our country.”

“It was President Nixon who established the Environmental Protection Agency because he understood that protecting our air, water, and land was a common cause for all Americans,” said Subcommittee on Environment Chairwoman Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ). “In New Jersey alone, the EPA has been an invaluable partner in cleaning up Superfund sites, addressing chemicals in our air and water, and restoring brownfields. I congratulate the EPA on its 50th anniversary and thank all the women and men who work tirelessly to safeguard our health and our environment.”