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June 04, 2015

Commerce Inspector General Todd Zinser Abruptly Retires After Prolonged Committee Investigation

(Washington, DC) – Yesterday, June 3rd, the Department of Commerce Inspector General, Todd Zinser, abruptly announced his retirement effective that same day. This followed a prolonged Committee investigation into Mr. Zinser’s conduct and management of the Commerce OIG. Nine weeks ago, Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) delivered extensive remarks on the House floor that detailed evidence of Mr. Zinser’s alleged mismanagement and misconduct. To view her floor statement, click here.

Following her floor statement, Ranking Member Johnson wrote to the President on March 31st calling on him to remove Mr. Zinser from office. Her call for Mr. Zinser’s removal was echoed by a coalition of whistleblower support groups in their own letter to the President.

Ranking Member Johnson said, “It is no secret that I wrote to the President recently asking that Mr. Zinser be removed from his position. Whatever the reason for Mr. Zinser’s abrupt departure yesterday, it is now time to restore the integrity and effectiveness of the Commerce Office of Inspector General. I am hopeful that the President will move quickly to appoint an Acting IG of unquestioned integrity and then identify and nominate a highly qualified individual to serve on a permanent basis. I also want to thank the dedicated staff of the Commerce IG’s office who raised concerns about Mr. Zinser’s management and had the fortitude and courage to bring these issues to our attention. I hope this sparks a new positive path forward for the IG’s office.”