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January 28, 2020

House Passes Bipartisan Suicide Prevention and Veterans in STEM Legislation

(Washington, DC) – Last night, the House of Representatives considered and passed  H.R. 4704, the “Advancing Research to Prevent Suicide Act,” by a recorded vote of 385-8 and S. 153, the “Supporting Veterans in STEM Careers Act,” under suspension of the rules.

H.R. 4704, the “Advancing Research to Prevent Suicide Act,” authorizes the National Science Foundation to support multidisciplinary research to better understand and prevent suicide.

  • Read Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson’s (D-TX) statement on H.R. 4704 here.

S. 153, the “Supporting Veterans in STEM Careers Act,” promotes veteran involvement in STEM education, computer science, and scientific research through better integration of veterans issues within existing National Science Foundation programs and improved program coordination across Federal STEM agencies.

  • Read Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson’s (D-TX) statement on S. 153 here.