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September 24, 2020

House Passes Legislation to Address Climate Change by Investing in Clean Energy Research and Development

(Washington, DC) – Today, the House of Representatives voted on and passed H.R. 4447, the Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act. H.R. 4447 includes programs to develop and deploy clean energy resources; improve the efficiency of our homes and businesses; electrify our transportation sector; modernize the grid and enhance its resiliency; prioritize the needs of environmental justice communities; reduce carbon pollution from industrial and traditional sources; develop advanced nuclear energy technologies; and much more. This landmark bill contains over a dozen bipartisan pieces of legislation introduced by members of the Science, Space, and Technology Committee this Congress.

Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson’s (D-TX) made the following statement.

“It is long past time for us to make significant investments in policies to address climate change. We need to secure a clean energy future with healthy air to breathe and clean water to drink for all Americans. My tenure on the Science, Space, and Technology Committee has taught me that research and development initiatives serve as the foundation for mitigating crises and driving economic growth. By prioritizing clean energy R&D, we can combat climate change while creating jobs that put Americans back to work. This legislation provides robust support and direction for comprehensive clean energy research, development, demonstration, and commercialization activities that will be key to achieving meaningful carbon pollution reduction targets as quickly as possible. I am proud that the House passed this important legislation and look forward to the Senate taking up legislation that will similarly provide our nation with the unique opportunity to both jumpstart our economy and address the climate change crisis.”