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April 24, 2020

House Science Committee Leaders Criticize FCC Action on Space Orbital Debris

(Washington, DC) – House Science, Space, and Technology Committee Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) and Ranking Member Frank Lucas (R-OK) released a statement today on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) vote on new regulations for orbital space debris.

“As we said in our letter to the FCC last week, regulatory action at this time, without consensus across federal agencies and clear authority from Congress, will at the very least create confusion and undermine the Commission’s work, and at worst undermine U.S. economic competitiveness and leadership in space,” Chairwoman Johnson and Ranking Member Lucas wrote. “Despite a host of concerns raised by this Committee, other federal agencies, and industry stakeholders, the FCC moved forward. This rulemaking process alone is problematic. During a global pandemic and unprecedented public health and economic challenges, the decision to take action on a significant regulatory change is unnecessary and ill-advised. As the Commission proceeds, we expect them to work with our Committee and all relevant federal agencies on an appropriate policy framework for orbital debris.”


Read more:

Committee Leadership Letter to the FCC Requesting a Delay of Rulemaking on Orbital Space Debris

Department of Commerce Letter to the FCC Requesting that the Commission Defer Action on this Rulemaking

Commercial Spaceflight Federation (CSF) Letter to the FCC Expressing Concerns about Rulemaking on Orbital Space Debris

Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) Letter to the FCC Requesting they Postpone Consideration of Orbital Debris Mitigation Items

Satellite Industry Association (SIA) Letter to the FCC Urging Further Study of the Proposed Rules on Space Orbital Debris