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August 03, 1999

NASA Budget Cuts Could Permanently Damage the Nation's Space Program

Representatives Ralph M. Hall (D-TX) and Bart Gordon (D-TN) today strongly condemned the billion-dollar cut made to the NASA budget by the House Appropriations Committee last Friday.

Mr. Hall, Acting Ranking Member of the Science Committee, stated:

"These cuts are irresponsible, ill-advised, and just plain wrong. We should be supporting the nation's space program, not tearing it apart to satisfy short-term political needs. The cuts made to the NASA budget send a terrible message to the hard-working people who have helped make our space program the envy of the world."
Mr. Gordon, Ranking Member of the Science Committee's Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee, added:
"Our space program has delivered important benefits to our citizens. With these cuts, we risk doing serious damage to some of the 'crown jewels' of NASA's capabilities. That isn't right, and I want to work with rank and file members on both sides of the aisle to defend these important programs."

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