Ranking Member Johnson and Ranking Member Costello Issue Statements on the Passing of Neil Armstrong

Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) and Ranking Member of the Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee Jerry F. Costello (D-IL) issued the following statements upon hearing of the passing of Neil Armstrong.
Ms. Johnson said, “I was terribly saddened to hear the news of the passing of Neil Armstrong, a genuine American hero and an inspiration to countless people around the world. My thoughts and prayers are with his family. He will be greatly missed and I think the best tribute we can give him is for this nation to continue to build on his legacy of exploration and to keep striving for excellence as he did throughout his life.”
“Neil Armstrong will forever be associated with U.S. accomplishments in space,” said Mr. Costello. “An American icon, he will be remembered with the great explorers of history. He was part of the Golden Age of NASA, and he was determined that we never lose sight of what space exploration meant to our country and the world. As we mourn his passing, we know that he will always be with us, blazing a trail forward, ever pushing us onward to greater heights.”
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