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April 01, 2015

Ranking Member Johnson Calls on President to Immediately Remove Commerce Inspector General Todd Zinser

(Washington, DC) – Yesterday, Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX), sent a letter to the President calling on him to immediately remove the Department of Commerce Inspector General (IG) Todd Zinser from office. 

In the letter, Congresswoman Johnson wrote: “I am convinced that in order to establish an effective and ethically sound office a wholesale change in the top leadership of the Commerce Office of Inspector General is critically needed.  I call on you to remove Mr. Zinser from office immediately and to take such other steps as are necessary to appoint qualified senior leadership with high ethical principles to lead the Department of Commerce Office of Inspector General.  I stand ready to support you in efforts to rebuild that office, reviving a sense of public service and accountability in the Department of Commerce Office of Inspector General.”

Last Thursday, Congresswoman Johnson delivered extensive remarks on the House floor that detailed the evidence accumulated during the Committee’s long-running bipartisan investigation of Mr. Zinser.  

To view the letter, click here.

To view Congresswoman Johnson’s floor statement, click here.