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September 16, 2014

Ranking Member Johnson comments on American Academy of Arts & Sciences Report on the Nation’s Research Investments

(Washington, DC) – The American Academy of Arts & Sciences released a report today titled, “Restoring the Foundation – The Vital Role of Research in Preserving the American Dream.” The report details how the U.S. is currently falling behind in global R&D investments and it argues for renewed national commitment to reversing this trend.

Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) of the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology released the following statement:

“Today we heard again about the damaging effect that cutting our investments in research is having on our global competitiveness and economic prosperity. The U.S. has led the world for decades as the most innovative country in the world. Basic research is a driver of innovation and has given us many technologies that are integral elements of our private markets today. This report is a stark reminder that we can no longer accept stagnating or falling research budgets and expect to avoid the negative economic consequences. The message delivered in this report and in many others that have come before it is clear: the United States must invest in basic research if we intend to remain a prosperous and thriving international leader in the 21st Century.

“In the light of this definitive report, I hope we can work together to move forward with many of the expert recommendations. These important measures will help reinvigorate the U.S. research base and reaffirm U.S. leadership in science and innovation. Our priorities should reflect the undeniable value that federal research and development provides to our economy and way of life.”