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May 18, 2012

Ranking Member Johnson Introduces Clean Water Research Bills

(Washington, DC) – Today, Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) introduced two pieces of clean water research legislation, H.R. 5826, the Coordinating Water Research for a Clean Water Future Act of 2012, and H.R. 5827, the Energy and Water Research Integration Act of 2012.  Both bills aim to ensure that the nation will have access to clean and reliable water supplies for future generations.  Similar bills passed the House in the 111th Congress in a bipartisan fashion.

Ms. Johnson said in her statement for the record, “As a Representative from the great state of Texas, I know how important water is to public health, the economy, and the environment.  Moreover, Texans certainly are not alone.  Whether facing unpredictable and extreme weather conditions in places like Idaho where increasingly difficult dam and reservoir management is making it harder to protect property and lives; the drawdown of aquifers in the Powder River Basin from coal-bed methane operations; or the billions of taxpayer dollars spent to upgrade water infrastructure in the East, water is an ever-present topic of dinner conversation and political tension across the country.”

In describing H.R. 5826, Ms. Johnson said, “H.R. 5826 will authorize coordination of research activities to ensure a future where clean water is abundant, affordable, and accessible for generations to come. To do this, the country needs to better coordinate federal research among agencies which oversee and protect these natural resources. The bill elevates the importance of clean and reliable water through the implementation of a National Water Research and Development Initiative at the Office of Science and Technology Policy of the White House. The Initiative will improve the federal government's role in coordinating federal water research activities that identify, characterize, and address changes in U.S. clean water use, quality, supply, and demand.”

Ms. Johnson said of H.R. 5827, “The Energy and Water Research Integration Act” focuses attention on the energy-water nexus, a term used to describe the energy required to provide reliable water supplies and the water required to provide reliable energy supplies. The bill directs the Secretary of Energy to integrate water considerations into the Department of Energy's energy research. The bill requires the Secretary to seek to advance energy technologies and practices that would minimize freshwater withdrawal and consumption, increase water use efficiency, and utilize nontraditional water sources with efforts to improve water quality.”

These pieces of legislation are the product of several recommendations from the Committee’s hearings in the 110th and 111th Congresses on Federal research related to water and the energy-water nexus and reports from the National Academies, the Government Accountability Office, the National Science and Technology Council, and the Department of Energy. The bills are supported by small businesses like NanoH2O, who see the need for innovative technologies in the water sector, as well as national organizations like Alliance for Water Efficiency, the Water Innovation Alliance, the International association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO), and the Water Research Foundation. The Water Environment Research Foundation also supports the energy-water bill.

Ms. Johnson said, “Throughout my career I have fought to ensure that future generations have access to clean water. My introduction of these two bills builds on the accomplishments of the former Chairman of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee, Bart Gordon, who introduced similar legislation that moved through the House of Representatives in the 111th Congress…Given this diverse base of support and the passage of similar bills through the House in the 111th Congress, I hope that the Science, Space, and Technology Committee and the House will be quick to take up these pieces of legislation and move them expeditiously.”

You can view H.R. 5826 here.

You can view H.R. 5827 here.

You can view Ranking Member Johnson’s full statement here.