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December 07, 2016

Ranking Member Johnson’s Statement on the Nomination of Scott Pruitt as EPA Administrator

(Washington, DC) – Today, Scott Pruitt, the Attorney General of Oklahoma, was nominated to serve as Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under President-elect Trump. Pruitt has come under fire for questioning the impact of climate change and being a strong opponent of the Clean Power Plan.

Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson made the following statement.

“The EPA under the Obama Administration has been a force for good, working to protect human health and the environment in which we live and work. I am deeply troubled by some of the characterizations of where the incoming Administration is likely to go in regards to the environment. And, I am more troubled since the selection of Scott Pruitt to lead the EPA, a man who has made clear his disdain for the agency. I hope the President-Elect and Mr. Pruitt will come to recognize the important work EPA does and the necessity of clean air and water for public health and our economy. We must find a way work together in a productive way to advance our economy, a cleaner environment, and a healthier world.”