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January 14, 2016

Ranking Member Johnson Statement on Chairman’s Letters Regarding Clinton Server

(Dallas, TX) - Today, Chairman Smith (R-TX) sent letters to a number of companies that provided software and services to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton related to her private email server, requesting, as he says in his press release, “all documents and communications related to Secretary Clinton’s private server as well as information about any security breaches that may have occurred during her tenure.”

Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) released the following statement in response to the Chairman’s action:

“I am deeply disappointed and saddened that the Chairman has decided to further diminish the standing of this Committee through his pursuit of an election-year partisan agenda.  While couched in the verbiage of pursuing legitimate Committee oversight, it is clear that this latest ‘oversight’ is nothing less than a transparent attempt to score political points, effectively turning the Committee into little more than an arm of the Republican National Committee.  That is not what this Committee should be about, and I hope that the Chairman will stop this oversight for the sake of press releases and allow Committee Members of both parties to get back to the serious work that we have to do in our role as the authorizers and overseers of the nation’s research, development, and innovation enterprise.”