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December 07, 2015

Ranking Member Johnson Statement on Computer Science Education Week

(Washington, DC) – This week is the seventh annual Computer Science Education Week, a program dedicated to inspiring students to take interest in computer science. The Hour of Code, “a one-hour introduction to computer science, designed to demystify code and show that anybody can learn the basics,” is the centerpiece of the week.

Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) said:

“The importance of computer science education cannot be overstated. The current disconnect between the high demand for information technology jobs and the limited opportunities for students to be exposed to computer science at the K-12 level puts American students and American companies at a significant disadvantage. Computer Science Education Week and an Hour of Code events help educate our students on what computer science is and the opportunities available in the tech industry. Anything we can do to get more students interested in these studies will help us in the long term. I hope this Computer Science Education Week is an enormous success and reaches more students than ever before.”

To learn more about Computer Science Education Week, click here.

To learn more about Hour of Code, click here.