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July 24, 2014

Ranking Member Johnson Statement on Deputy Director Dr. Cora Marrett’s Announcement of her Retirement from the National Science Foundation

(Washington, DC) – Deputy Director Dr. Cora Marrett recently announced that she will be retiring from the National Science Foundation. 

Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) released the following statement:

“Dr. Marrett’s contributions to NSF are innumerable. Throughout her many years of service to the Agency, she helped advance the scientific interests of our country. As Acting Director, she helped lead NSF through an especially trying time, from the government shutdown to the unjustified attacks on NSF’s decision-making. NSF is truly a better agency thanks to her years of hard work. As a Member of this Committee, I am especially grateful for the insights she provided as a witness a number of times. I thank her for her service and wish her the best of luck in her retirement. She will be greatly missed.”