Ranking Member Johnson Statement on Nation's Report Card for Technology and Engineering Literacy

(Washington, DC) – Today, the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) released results of the first Nation's Report Card: Technology and Engineering Literacy. The assessment measured how students use and evaluate technology and principles of engineering to solve real-world problems. Students were also asked where and how they developed the skills they were using on the assessment.
Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) offered following statement.
“I am pleased that NAEP will now be tracking technology and engineering literacy. In today’s education and business environment, where these skills are vitally important, it is imperative that we know where our students stand in these fields. It is also important that we know where and how students are learning these valuable skills, so that we can improve and expand on the educational opportunities that are working.
“I am also pleased that this report card shows girls doing as well as or better than boys in almost every demographic. After years of girls being behind boys in STEM assessments, it appears that the tide may be turning. Unfortunately, the same achievement gaps that we are used to seeing between wealthier and poorer students and between white and minority students persist.
“We have to do better in ensuring that all students have access to the equipment, classes, and opportunities that will enable them to excel in technology and engineering literacy. This assessment is an important first step in helping us do that.”
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