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October 06, 2016

Ranking Member Johnson Statement on the Ratification of the Paris Climate Agreement

(Washington, DC) – Yesterday a gathering of European nations voted and formally signed the Paris Climate Agreement. This addition brought the count to 74 countries that have ratified the accord--accounting for 58.82% of global emissions; officially exceeding the number of countries and percentage of emissions required for the pact to take effect.  

Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) offered the following statement.

“I am excited and proud that the Paris climate agreement has received enough support to take effect. This pact presents a significant opportunity for our nation to take a leading role, working in coordination with the international community, to address the threat of man-made climate change. It is my hope that the ratification of this agreement will not only be the impetus for new initiatives to promote responsible environmental policy worldwide, but that it will also help usher in an age of innovation in the fields of agriculture, energy, technology, and conservation. It is only with the cooperation of every nation that we can address the most serious environmental challenge in human history, and if we work together we can leave this planet a better place for our children and grandchildren.”