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June 28, 2013

Ranking Member Johnson Statement on the Retirement of Dr. Charles Vest from the Presidency of the National Academy of Engineering

(Washington, DC) – Today, Dr. Charles M. Vest’s term as President of the National Academy of Engineering ended. 

Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) released the following statement:

“It is impossible to describe all of the contributions Dr. Vest has made to science and engineering and to U.S. innovation policy.  He has served as a professor and a dean of engineering; became president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); served as director of DuPont and IBM; was vice chair of the U.S. Council on Competitiveness; served on multiple federal committees and commissions; serves on the boards of several non-profit organizations; and has been awarded eighteen honorary doctoral degrees, a National Medal of Technology, and a Vannevar Bush Award.  The National Academy of Engineering was lucky to have him for the past six years.  We on this Committee are especially grateful for the insights and guidance he has provided as a witness before this Committee on a number of issues.  I thank him for his many years of service and wish him the best of luck in his retirement.  I suspect we have not heard the last from Dr. Vest, and I am very thankful for that.”