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September 27, 2013

Ranking Member Johnson’s Statement on Former EPA Advisor John Beale

(Washington, DC) – Today, former EPA Advisor John Beale plead guilty to theft of government property.  He stole almost $900,000 from the Federal government in pay and expenses.

More information is available in the EPA press release here

Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) made the following statement.

“Mr. Beale was hired during the first Bush Administration and Gina McCarthy is the tenth EPA Administrator since he was hired at the agency.  His criminal actions occurred during the administrations of four U.S. Presidents.  I would like to commend the US Attorney’s Office, the EPA Inspector General and his office, and EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy for finally bringing this long reign of abuse to an end.  However, his actions point to serious internal management problems at the agency.  I have sent a letter to EPA Administrator McCarthy asking her to look at the systemic failures at EPA in false claims in job applications, false travel vouchers or excessive claims, and retention bonus abuse.  I have also asked the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to undertake a broad review of the use of retention bonuses at our agencies to ensure that this program is not being abused.”

Letter to Administrator McCarthy

Letter to GAO