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June 25, 2013

Ranking Member Johnson’s Statement on The President’s Climate Action Plan

(Washington, DC) – Today, President Obama announced his Climate Action Plan, an important next step to cut carbon pollution while advancing the new energy technologies that we will need for the future. The plan takes clear steps to address climate change by directing the Environmental Protection Agency to establish federal greenhouse gas emission standards for both existing and future power plants.

Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) released the following statement on the President’s Climate Action Plan:

“I greet the President’s Climate Action Plan with enthusiasm. The directives outlined by the President finally put the United States in a position to lead the globe on the critical issue of climate change. Human generated impacts of carbon pollution on our climate are no longer in question; we know that the Earth is warming, sea ice is disappearing and the glaciers are receding, the oceans are acidifying, sea levels are rising, rates of asthma are increasing, and we are bearing the brunt of more frequent and severe weather incidents.

“Climate change is an immediate global reality and, as a Nation, we have moved beyond the point of debate and must now do what we as Americans so often do best: squarely meet the challenges ahead and fulfill a moral obligation to future generations. The time to act is now to ensure the conditions of our future are set on terms that benefit the health and well-being of every American.”